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MAGNESIUM - Uses, Side Effects, and More

Jun. 10, 2024

MAGNESIUM - Uses, Side Effects, and More

Abdel-halim J. The effect of preoperative single shot dose of epidural magnesium sulphate or dexamethesone as adjuvants to local anesthesia. Ain Shams Journal of Anesthesiology ;4:83-91.

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Magnesium Citrate vs Other Magnesium Compounds

What Is Magnesium Citrate and Why Is it Better than Other Magnesium Compounds?

In recent years, a growing number of people have started taking a proactive approach to everyday wellness. They are eating better, exercising more, and making simple lifestyle changes to support optimal health&#;and one of those changes is adding more magnesium to their daily diet.

Magnesium is an essential macromineral involved in over 300 cellular processes, including those responsible for protein synthesis and ATP production, but many Americans still fall short of consuming the recommended daily amount.

Taking a daily supplement can help boost your magnesium intake, but it is important to make sure the supplement you choose is fully absorbed by your body so you get the most benefit.

This is where magnesium citrate shines.

First, a little science: Magnesium supplements come in the form of compounds. The magnesium ion (Mg2+) is combined with a salt, an acid, or an amino acid chelate to keep the mineral ion in a stable form that is suitable for consumption.

Magnesium citrate combines the salt element of magnesium with citric acid, resulting in a highly absorbable form of magnesium. With most magnesium supplements, the body is only able to absorb and assimilate a small percentage of the magnesium, but in the form of a mineral citrate, the body is able to absorb a much greater amount.

Why is absorbability so important?

If you&#;re taking a daily magnesium supplement but your body can&#;t easily take in and use the magnesium compound, you&#;ll miss out on all of the health-promoting benefits. On the other hand, if it&#;s readily absorbed and usable by your body&#;what scientists call bioavailable&#;then you&#;re in luck.

While not all magnesium compounds are created equal, magnesium citrate and glycinate are two of the better absorbed forms of magnesium.

How much magnesium does the average person need?

The Daily Value (DV) for magnesium for ages 4 and above is 420 mg. (If women are pregnant or lactating, those numbers will be slightly different).

Infants under a year should get between 30 mg and 75 mg of magnesium daily.

What causes magnesium deficiency?

Magnesium deficiency can be caused by a number of external factors, including everyday stress, taking certain medications (such as diuretics, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, insulin, and cortisone), heavy exercise, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, a lack of adequate dietary magnesium, and too much calcium in the diet.

What type of Magnesium does Natural Vitality CALM use?

Most Natural Vitality CALM powders contain magnesium carbonate along with citric acid; this forms a magnesium citrate solution when combined with water. The reaction will occur immediately in hot water, and when the fizzing subsides it means the product is converted into magnesium citrate. If you prefer cold water, the process may take up to 15 minutes. Either way, the final product, once dissolved, is ready to be absorbed and utilized by your body.

Natural Vitality CALM gummies contain magnesium citrate. Natural Vitality CALM also offers supplements with a combination of magnesium carbonate and magnesium glycinate. Also available are Natural Vitality CALM capsules, which contain highly absorbable magnesium glycinate.

Ultimately, what matters is whether or not your supplement is able to get the magnesium to your cells, where it&#;s needed.

Magnesium citrate and glycinate are not only well absorbed, they are also highly bioavailable.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Magnesium Compounds Supplier. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.


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